**Living In The Flow of Your Inner Power – Self Healing and Renewal!**

Sponsored By NorthWestMystical, New Spiritual Horizons®, Inner Peace Movement International® and Astro Soul® Programs (please see links below)

Join us online for a free class and learn how to refine your life purpose during a pandemic.

The energy of our country is “shut down.” This national energy impacts individual energy levels as well. The Chakras or major spiritual energy centers become affected. If we are not careful, our Heart (Drive) Chakra energy becomes diminished. This can affect our physical health and Ability to Find Fulfillment in Our Life!

Join us for a Free Online Class as we focus on Healing Your Heart (Drive) Chakra and Connecting with Your Inner Guidance!

**Clarify your drive so your lungs are less vulnerable to dis-ease.
**Learn how clarifying “What is me & what is not me” can ensure your goals are based on YOUR true wants and needs.
**Build strong immunity from anxiety, stress, and negativity and help others to do the same.
**Establish a closer connection with your Inner Guidance for clearer direction.
**Replace self-doubt with clear direction toward your life-purpose.
**Connect with others in profoundly positive ways.

This is one Online Class you will not want to miss!
Date: April 24th and April 25th
Time: 10:00 am and 6:00 pm PDT

Register Now to Attend!

**Discovery of My Intuitive Abilities!**

• Premonition of the Future (Prophecy) – Opportunities Ahead and Forewarning of Trouble;
• Inner Vision (Clairvoyance) – Seeing Within the Inner Road Map to Achieve My Dream Come True;
• Clear Hearing (Clairaudience) – Inspiration and Ideas to Create Meaningful Change and Thrive;
• Perceptive Feeling (Psychometric) – Targeted Healing and the Crystal Clear Direction Of My Love Within;

Private One-to-One Consultations Available. Can Be Done Online. Please see www.NorthWestMystical.com.

NorthWestMystical.com, in partnership with Wayshowers College®, Inner Peace Movement International®, New Spiritual Horizons® and Astro Soul® programs, helps to unfold the Intuitive Abilities of people, free of religious dogma and theology. Wayshowers College®, an international organization founded in 1968, provides Tools and Techniques in the community to help the Sincere Spiritual Searcher develop a Clear Communication with her Spirit Guides or Angels. One-on one consultations are available to unfold this communication so each person can ask for help and receive an answer that is correct for them. Please see www.NorthWestMystical.com and www.WayshowersCollege.com for further details.

**Many thanks to those who attended our online program April 15th & 16th. Over 150 people helped make this Special Event A Success!

This Beautiful Moment, Guided By My Love …

John Pease
Astro-Soul® program