**My Past, Present and Future – The Evolution of My Destiny!**

This is a free and open discussion on My Past, Present and Future – The Evolution of My Destiny! Our Lives Unfold In a Beautiful Way by Understanding the Many Lives We Have Lived, What We Intended to Learn from them, How Our Past Impacts Our Life Experience Today and How We Are Setting The Stage for Our Future Success. A one-on-one technique will be demonstrated by a trained practitioner – Free to the First Person who Requests the Opportunity – to Identify A Prior Life that Impacts Our Life Today and by How We Are Setting the Stage from this experience for Our Future Success and Mastery!

When: Sunday, July 14, 2019 – 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Where: The Tao of Tea – 3430 SE Belmont St · Portland, OR

My Special Thanks for those who attended the meetup on June 9th titled, **Trust – The Pathway Of My Inspiration With My Spirit Guides or Angels!** What became apparent in our discussion is how Spirit is moving to Fulfill Our Lives no matter what our circumstances or life situation may be.

NorthWestMystical.com, in partnership with Wayshowers College®, Inner Peace Movement International® and Astro Soul® programs, helps to unfold the Intuitive Abilities of people, free of religious dogma and theology. Wayshowers College®, an international organization founded in 1968, provides Tools and Techniques in the community to help the Sincere Spiritual Searcher develop a Clear Communication with her Spirit Guides or Angels. One-on-one consultations are available to unfold this communication so each person can ask for help and receive an answer that is correct for them. Please see NorthWestMystical.com and WayshowersCollege.com for further details.

Please look for John at a Tao of Tea table with a yellow shirt and a table announcement titled “Wayshowers College/Astro Soul.

This Beautiful Moment, Guided By My Love … Please let me know you are attending by clicking here

John Pease
Astro-Soul® program