Contact John:
Phone: 503.869.9104

Facilitator and Consultant

John Pease has been actively involved with Inner Peace Movement International®, Astro-Soul® and the Wayshowers College® programs (see since 1972. He worked closely with the founder, a remarkable man named Dr. Francisco Coll, who developed in-depth training, techniques and self discovery tools to help the spiritual searcher understand the importance of intuition in all its forms to receive Inner Guidance in every life situation and fulfill their “Dream Within.” John has built on Dr. Coll’s innovative work by helping people understand how their current life is built on lives lived in the past and clarify how their involvement today is setting the stage for their next lifetime opportunity and mastery! Through presentations, community seminars, coursework and one-on-one private consultations, John provides an opportunity for the sincere spiritual searcher to discover his or her own Intuitive Abilities and unfold the spiritual guidance and understanding that is necessary to fulfill their unique potential this lifetime.

John recently stepped down from a career building utility scale renewable energy projects in the Pacific Northwest, and he is now in private practice.