**A Unique Opportunity Sponsored by NorthWestMystical.com and the International Astro Soul® Programs!**

This program Will Explore A Deeper Reality that I am a Soul in a Physical Body with Intuitive Abilities Far Beyond My Ordinary Perception! Without eyes I Can See, without ears I Can Hear and without a physical body I Can Feel. With the Guidance of an Experienced Facilitator, this Intuitive Reality Can Be Awakened To Fulfill and Guide My Own Life so I Understand What Lies Ahead, and I am Always Secure!

In This Workshop Each Participant Will Experience:

  • Cleansing of the Soul and Body so Insights Come from Only the Highest Source
  • Perception through “Inner Hearing” (Clairaudience) – Ideas to Create Meaningful Change
  • Impressions through Inner Feelings (Psychometric) – Guidance and Targeted Healing
  • Spiritually Travel to the Well-Spring of All Life – often called Nirvana, the Tao or Heaven – to Help Clarify the Bigger Picture of Spiritual Evolution

Never forget Our Lives are Precious and that we are Important Wayshowers to ourselves and the people around us no matter where we go! This Begins with Clear Direction and Purpose by Asking for Inspiration from our Spirit Guides to Identify Our Fulfillment so we have a Deep and Meaningful Relationship with Ourselves and the world around us. Our Life then becomes Our Opportunity to Fulfill Ourselves through Every Action we take!

NorthWestMystical.com, in partnership with Wayshowers College®, Inner Peace Movement International® and Astro Soul® programs, helps to unfold the Intuitive Abilities of people, free of religious dogma and theology. Wayshowers College®, an international organization founded in 1968, provides Tools and Techniques in the community to help the Sincere Spiritual Searcher develop a Clear Communication with her Spirit Guides or Angels. One-on one consultations are available to unfold this communication so each person can ask for help and receive an answer that is correct for them.

Many thanks to those who attended our booth at the Body/Mind/Spirit Expo Nov 2nd & 3rd where we gave Intuitive Insights on **How Past Lives Impact My Life Today and Create My Destiny!** Over 30 one-on-one readings were given. The Discovery of This Reality Helps Each Participant See the Vision of How their Lives Are Unfolding Today!